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If you are familiar withKibodoYou certainly noticed it, Our products are available on Amazon. It is something that we regularly be asked to justify, and which arouses the misunderstanding of some compared to our values.

In this article we will see if Amazon and ecology can rhyme together and how much degree.

Amazon, the image of the destroyer of the environment


For the Friends of the Earth, Amazon is the symbol of a model that grows at the overconsumption and feeds a society from disposable. In France, Amazon is the second seller of electronic products. According to the ADEME (Environment and Mastery Agency), the consumption of the type of objects sold on Amazon, such as television, smartphones, appliances or clothing, represents a quarter of the emissions greenhouse gases of the French. (All signs Fund: Fnac, Darty, Carrefour Included for example)

The destruction of stocks

In January 2019, the Capital Emission of the M6 ​​had revealed how Amazon destroyed some of its inventory stocks, sometimes new. In a year, more than three million items have been thrown, according to the estimates of elected officials of the CGT.

The cause : The price exhorbitant of long-term storage In warehouses, 26 euros / m³ of storage in normal time, 500 euros / m³ after 6 months and 1000 euros / m³ after a year. Pushing the products that stagnate and do not sell to go to destruction to avoid very large invoices.

What is Amazon doing?

End of long-term storage surfactured

At the end of 2019, Amazon finally says goodbye to this punitive tariff policy on long-term storage. Amazon thus extends the normal storage period to 365 days. Long-term storage therefore starting only after one year and a much more tariff: 170 euros / m³ against 1000 euros / m³ in the past. Sellers are no longer forced to destroy their unsold stock.

Finally with the destruction of stock

A cleaner liquidation program

Instead of paying to dispose of or collect the store shipped by Amazon excess or returned by the customer, the sellers can now choose to use the liquidation service shipped by Amazon so that the stock is liquidated via a trusted supplier. By liquidating the stock, the seller retrieves part of the cost of its stock, while avoiding monthly and long-term storage costs.


Since 1es September 2019, all the sellers have the opportunity to get rid of their unsold or unwanted products in stock, and to donate to charitable associations.

Today, the destruction of stocks has become a minimal, insignificant share of unsold products. The vast majority of returned products are resold to other customers or liquidators, suppliers or given to charities, depending on their condition.

The responsibility of everyone to move Amazon

The liability of buyers

Amazon has a very simple service policy: the customer first. Just announce that our product has a problem, which has not been received, and it is easy to get a new copy, a refund or a free return. It is unfortunately this system that many have abused, Minding on the non-receipt of parcels, returning broken items, or even enjoying a product for a certain period before returning it.

It is necessary that everyone realizes that if one returns to Amazon a damaged article, broken, in the short term we will certainly obtain refund, But that means that a broken article will come back to them. What do you think they will do it? It is first of all the responsibility of the buyers to avoid abusing a system allowing you to recover a little money by returning an object that will never be repaired.

Adding to that that 50% of the products on Amazon are sold by third-party sellers, including a good number of French SMEs and SMEsSo when some feel "Robin des Bois" to rip Amazon ... It is actually a small business that sees its amputated account of the amount of the order, and is found with an abmedy and invasable article.

The liability of the sellers

Amazon sellers also have a great role to play. It is up to the sellers that it belongs to recover donate unsoldIt's their responsibility. Amazon is there only to store and ship their stock. If a stock is destroyed it is only because a seller has requested destruction in his soul and conscienceAnd now that long-term storage costs are less punitive and we have the opportunity to donate, there is no more excuse.

Even remark on the quality of the products, it is the sellers who make Amazon and not the opposite. It is to the sellers to offer a better quality, allowing to consume less but better. Products designed responsibly and durable over time. On a marketplace where more than half of the products are sold by third-party sellers, it is up to them to show Amazon that they wish to offer quality and not only the quantity.

Amazon's responsibility

Amazon reacted, with the reduction of long-term storage fees, donations invendus to charity associations, and more recently a promotional offer on Amazon en available only on products sold by French SMEs and SMEs.

In 2020, Jeff Bezos, the boss of Amazon, launches a fund for the $ 10 billion planet. In parallel, Amazon now includes a "Climate Pledge Friendly" label that allows visitors to know at a glance which products meet the certifications of sustainable consumption.

So encourage or boycott?


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