Comment connecter un clavier sans fil à un ordinateur ?

How to connect a wireless keyboard to a computer?

You have just purchased or would like buy a wireless keyboard , but you have a few questions: how to connect your wireless keyboard to your computer? Is the wireless connectivity reliable and efficient? Find out all the answers to your questions in this article.
Guide 2024 : Les tendances d'aménagement de bureau à ne pas louper !

Guide 2024: Office design trends not to be missed!

In 2024, the office design trends are evolving towards concepts focused on well-being , the productivity and the sustainability . In this article we give you a complete guide to trends to adopt in the office to adapt to the new needs of employees.
MagSafe, c'est quoi ? Tout comprendre de la technologie révolutionnaire Apple

What is MagSafe? Understanding everything about revolutionary Apple technology

When we talk about revolutionary technologies , Apple is often at the top of the list. From the introduction of the Retina display, to Face ID facial recognition, to the MagSafe technology , every Apple product pushes the boundaries of what's possible. But then, what is MagSafe technology and how does it work? In this article, we will explain its mechanism and its interest to you. So if you are an Apple user, this article is for you. You will be seduced by the MagSafe technology !
Les bienfaits du travail debout : Pourquoi vous devriez changer votre façon de travailler

The benefits of standing work: Why you should change the way you work

In an era where a sedentary lifestyle is emerging as a major health challenge, the sit-stand work presents itself as an innovative solution to reinvent the way we work. This article explores in depth the new working postures , the harmful effects of prolonged seated work , and the multiple benefits of sit-stand work . By adopting these changes, you could not only improve your physical health, but also boost your daily mental well-being.
Claviers mécaniques silencieux Vs. bruyants : Quel est le meilleur pour votre environnement de travail ?

Quiet vs. Noisy Mechanical Keyboards: Which is Best for Your Work Environment?

When it comes to choosing the ideal mechanical keyboard for your workspace , the decision between a silent keyboard and one noisy keyboard has all its importance. These two types of keyboards have distinct advantages and disadvantages depending on your professional environment.
Est-ce que la charge rapide abîme la batterie du téléphone ? Ce que vous devez vraiment savoir !

Does fast charging damage phone battery? What you really need to know!

Fast charging of smartphones raises many questions. How does it actually work? Does fast charging damage the battery of our phones? Between myths and realities, this article explains how this technology works, its real impact on the battery, and the preconceived ideas about charging our phones.
Comment changer les touches et switches d'un clavier mécanique ?

How to change the keys and switches of a mechanical keyboard?

THE mechanical keyboards provide a unique typing experience, but sometimes the desire to customize or replace keys can be felt. In this article, we guide you step by step to know how to change keys on a mechanical keyboard . We will also see the essential criteria to check if you want to buy new keycaps, in order to guarantee perfect compatibility with your keyboard.
Clavier mécanique sans fil ou filaire : Le guide ultime pour bien choisir en 2024

Wireless or wired mechanical keyboard: The ultimate guide to choosing wisely in 2024

It's decided, you want to buy a mechanical keyboard . Problem, you find yourself facing a dilemma. What to choose ? A wireless or wired keyboard model ? Technological advances are evolving at breakneck speed, with new methods of connectivity. Difficult to make your choice, isn't it? So we've created the ultimate guide for you on the strengths of wireless and wired mechanical keyboards so you can make the best choice.
Clavier mécanique Vs. Clavier à membrane : Quelles sont les principales différences ?

Mechanical Keyboard Vs. Membrane Keyboard: What are the main differences?

In the universe of computer keyboards , two types of keyboards compete for the spotlight: mechanical keyboards and the membrane keyboards . Each of them has specific characteristics and offers very distinct user experiences. In this article we will explain the differences between mechanical keyboard and membrane keyboard . This way, you can make an informed choice based on your needs and typing style.
Quel switch clavier choisir

Guide: How to choose the switches for your mechanical keyboard?

Today, mechanical keyboards are more and more popular and have many advantages: durability, repairability, robustness, responsiveness... And all this thanks to one element: the switch , this small mechanism which makes all the difference in use and the performance of a keyboard . In this article, you will discover which keyboard switch to choose according to your needs.
L'incroyable histoire des Holy Panda, ces switches légendaires

The incredible story of the Holy Panda, these legendary switches

If you are interested in the world of mechanical keyboards, you have probably already heard of Holy Panda . Does this name mean something to you? It's normal, these are the most popular keyboard switches and users' favorites. But then, why are they so popular? What makes them so special? To understand the history of the Holy Panda, let's go back to the origins of things...
Quel est l'intérêt du chargeur sans fil ?

What is the point of the wireless charger?

Innovative and practical, the wireless charger allows you to recharge your phone without wired connection.  It then operates using induction current; it is a particularly comfortable use which has many advantages! If you want to get one while taking into account the aesthetic aspect, you are in the right place.
Comment bien protéger son téléphone ?

How to properly protect your phone?

Once you have purchased your cell phone, it is more than essential to ensure that you protect it. You thus ensure a longer lifespan , thus saving money while reducing the risk of having to buy another device quickly. It’s all positive!
Comment nettoyer un clavier d’ordinateur ?

How to clean a computer keyboard?

Despite its quality and frequent care, your computer keyboard is a office automation element that must be cleaned.  Not only because certain traces can appear over time and make it less aesthetic, but also because it can be a significant vector of microbes, dirt and bacteria.
Comment nettoyer la coque de son téléphone ?

How to clean your phone case?

A phone case is an essential protection to protect it in the event of a fall, shock or splash. Thanks to it, no need to panic anymore! Finally, it still has to be of good quality... Fortunately, at Kibodo , all those we offer for sale are!
Comment décorer un bureau à la maison ?

How to decorate an office at home?

Working from home requires careful and comfortable installation  to avoid back problems, reduced motivation, and difficult working hours. Kibodo gives you some tips to make your office a space you love to be in!
Pourquoi choisir un clavier en bois ?

Why choose a wooden keyboard?

If more and more users, professionals and individuals, choose to equip themselves with wooden office elements, it is not for nothing. Indeed, they allow you to reconcile everyday life with respect for the environment!
La coque en bois protège-t-elle vraiment le téléphone ?

Does the wooden case really protect the phone?

At Kibodo, our range of wooden hulls represents a whole universe. In our online store, discover a wide choice of accessories designed from bamboo worked by the best craftsmen and manufacturers in the world! Of course, our creations are equipped with a real bamboo plate to protect as much as possible against external aggressions which can be multiple.
Comment ça marche le chargeur sans fil ?

How does the wireless charger work?

Whatever model of wireless charger you would like to have on your desk or in your living room, all our products are made with quality materials to combine aesthetics and practicality. With Kibodo, charge your devices by induction with a support carved from a real piece of bamboo or cork. Discover our entire collection!
Quel est l'intérêt d'avoir un clavier mécanique ?

What is the point of having a mechanical keyboard?

Designed with a two-tone bamboo base, solid brass bar, and a blend of high-quality PBT keycaps as well as real bamboo keycaps, our mechanical keyboard is unique in the market. It is ideal for creatives and gamers alike thanks to its numerous Bluetooth connections possible, but also its USB connections and its backlighting. Pleasant, soft and resistant at the same time, it is your best IT ally. It's a limited edition!
Quel clavier choisir pour travailler ? Nos meilleurs conseils détaillés

Which keyboard to choose to work? Our best detailed advice

When we use an accessory on a daily basis for our work, it is essential that the accessory in question is adapted to our needs, and ideally to our taste. This rule particularly applies when it comes to choosing your keyboard for work. By equipping yourself with the right equipment, you will gain motivation, comfort and productivity. But then, which keyboard should you choose for working? Let's see the answer together in this article.
clavier mécanique pièces détail

Build a mechanical keyboard, detail and tips by piece

If you are interested in the different components of a mechanical keyboard, it is probably because you have already become aware of the many advantages that this type of keyboard can bring you on a daily basis, and you want to learn more about it. So we suggest you learn what's in a mechanical keyboard. At the end of this article, you should know what parts are needed to build a mechanical keyboard.
La feutrine c'est quoi ? Tout savoir de ce matériau extraordinaire

What is the felt? Everything about this extraordinary material

Felt is a material that is used more and more, particularly because in addition to being aesthetic, its application is simple, fun and quick. If you have not yet considered integrating this material into your interior, then we invite you to read this article. You will discover how felt can be useful to you, both practically and decoratively.
Utiliser un clavier PC sur Mac ? C'est possible ! Voici comment faire

Use a PC keyboard on Mac? It's possible ! Here's how to do

We all know that Apple doesn't really like to have its devices work with those of another brand, especially with those of its direct competitors. So, if you own a Mac, you might think that you can't use a PC keyboard with it. And yet, it is entirely doable. Are you wondering how to get there? So we invite you to continue reading this article. There we will show you how to make a PC keyboard work on Mac.
Comment nettoyer son tapis de souris ? Nos astuces selon les matériaux

How to clean your mouse mat? Our tips according to the materials

Hygiene applies to many areas, and the accessories you use on a daily basis do not escape this rule. Thus, your faithful mouse carpet also needs to be maintained frequently, as it is requested on a daily basis. But in this case, how to clean your mouse mat? We will review here the different methods to maintain various models of mouse mats.
Booster sa productivité avec des plantes d'intérieur, comment faire ?

Boost your productivity with indoor plants, how to do it?

Did you know that plants can be of great use in the office? We are not only talking about plants here for decoration, but plants that can improve your performance at work, while preserving your health. But how do plants boost your productivity? We invite you to discover this through our article.
Comment charger son téléphone sans le brancher ?

How to load your phone without connecting it?

Wire loaders have been useful for many years. But these seem, however, to have made their time. Indeed, nowadays, we seek rather to charge his phone without plugging it, because this is much more convenient. This has become possible thanks to the wireless charge technology that we will make the presentation in this article.
Comment aménager son bureau ?

How to develop your office?

Arrange your office is a process that should not be neglected. Indeed, a well-established office will make you benefit from many benefits, which it is intended for your work or for gaming. Whether at the location of your furniture or the choice of your equipment, there are many parameters to take into account. In this article, we will unveil how to develop its office is important, and what to do to achieve its development.
Comment taper rapidement au clavier ?

How to quickly type the keyboard?

Your job asks you to type a large amount of computer texts. But you do not have the habit of typing the keyboard quickly without looking, with your fingers. No worries, it can completely be corrected by training and equipping you properly. Let us give you some helpful tips to help you improve your typing speed. You will also find examples of sites in this article that will be able to assist you in your learning.
Comment réparer son clavier d’ordinateur ?

How to fix his computer keypad?

A keyboard is an accessory that is used almost all daily, whether in the office or at home. As a result, it is strongly solicited, and is sometimes the victim of our clumsiness, potentially leading to its malfunction. But in this case, How to fix his computer keypad?
Pourquoi choisir un clavier mécanique ?

Why choose a mechanical keyboard?

You use your daily keyboardBut you do not particularly appreciate the feelings of striking that it gives you. So, perhaps you should consider going to a Mechanical keyboard. Indeed, the mode of operation of this type of keyboard is radically different from that of conventional membrane keypads. And this difference can make you enjoy various advantages. We therefore propose you to review the different reasons that could push you to choose a mechanical keyboard.
Les différents types de claviers d’ordinateur au cours de l’histoire

Different types of computer keyboards during history

In less than a century, computer technology has experienced a vertiginous and hardly achievable change. In addition to creating ever more powerful PCs and ever more efficient software and hardware, the peripherals we use on a daily basis have also not evolved, without having remote too far from the base of their original design. In this article, we propose you to review the different types of keyboards during history.
Les 5 livres indispensables pour repenser sa décoration intérieure

The 5 pounds essential to rethink its interior decoration

We often dream of redecorating our interior. But when it comes to deciding on the changes to achieve, we often find ourselves to hesitate between the different ideas possible. The latter are indeed multiple, and it becomes easy to fall into the faults of taste, or to choose decos that are not adapted to your interior. There is a solution that will allow you to make the right choice: to rely on deco books. In this article, we will introduce you 5 pounds essential to rethink your interior decoration.
Vie pro, vie perso, comment ériger la frontière ?

Pro life, Perso life, how do we erect the border?

The shift to telework is not an obvious thing for all. Indeed, it can be destabilizing, and it sometimes even becomes delicate to delimit his pro life from his perso life. In order to get away with this, some employees double their devices, distinguishing the professional tools from the perso tools. But there are other, more practical and economical methods and tools that allow you to build the border between pro and perso life.
Les incroyables bienfaits du bois au quotidien

The incredible benefits of wood in everyday life

Wood is a natural material that surrounds us on a daily basis. It is aesthetic, and brings a very appreciable touch of nature to our interior decoration. And yet, certainly many of us underestimate the full potential of this material. Indeed, wood is not only a solid, resistant and aesthetic building material: it brings us many other benefits on a daily basis, especially in terms of our health and well-being. To convince you of this, we have grouped in this article several studies and research projects based on wood and all the benefits that can be derived from it.
Coques de téléphone en bois, plastique, biodégradable… Comment choisir ?

Phone cases made of wood, plastic, biodegradable... How to choose?

Our Smartphone is such a valuable tool that it has become necessary to protect properly. To do this, there is nothing like equipping it with a suitable phone case. However, it is necessary that the shell in question provides a sufficient level of protection, otherwise it would be useless. So here is a little shopping guide to choose your phone case as it should be.
Protéger et décorer son MacBook : protection en bois ou en plastique, pourquoi et comment ?

Protect and decorate its MacBook: wood or plastic protection, why and how?

Any MacBook owner will agree that this is valuable material. Buying one of them is a big investment. It is not only distinguished by its high performance, but also by its highly worked design and aesthetic. It would be a pity to degrade him with stripes and claws on his hull! It is therefore essential to protect it correctly. We therefore propose that you review the various solutions to protect your MacBook. We will see the different kinds of hulls available on the market, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
4 conseils pour être enfin à l’aise en télétravail

4 tips to make you feel comfortable working remotely

Since the pandemic in 2020, teleworking has become an increasingly popular way of working. However, this is a real habit change, which can be subtle if not handled properly. To help you, here are our4 tips to make you feel comfortable working remotely.
Bambou, Minimalisme, Feng Shui… Les meilleures tendances décoration pour votre intérieur en 2021

Bamboo, Minimalism, Feng Shui ... The best decoration trends for your interior in 2021

The styles in terms of indoor decoration appear a year, then disappear. But some can still stay in vogue the following year. In all cases, a small makeover of its interior is always fun. Exactly, you plan to redo the decor of your interior, especially in this period of confinement where it is important to enjoy a stylish and trendy home. Feeling well at home, do teleworking in a transformed environment, the right reasons are not lacking to redo the decor of your interior. And if we discovered together the best decorative trends for your interior in 2021? Let's go !
Le chargeur sans fil pour nos smartphones… C’est quoi ? Comment ça marche ?

The wireless charger for our smartphones ... what is it? How it works ?

the wireless charger has become a product that is commonly found in the market. This intrigues you but you want to know How does it work ? And how to choose a good one? We propose to enlighten you on the subject, so that you can make the right choice !
Les fabricants écourtent-ils volontairement la durée de vie de leurs produits informatiques ?

Does the manufacturer voluntarily shorten the service life of its computer products?

Over the past few years, however, consumers are still facing a scourge leading to excessive consumption: planned elimination. Encourage customers to continuously purchase new equipment. In this article, we will tell you more about manufacturers' voluntary reduction Service life of computer productsAnd the measures that can be taken.
Qu’est-ce qui se cache derrière le prix public d’un produit ?

What is behind the public price of a product?

When you buy a product, you are logically sensitive to its price, whether online or in a physical store. Sometimes it is used as the primary criterion, at the expense of utility, longevity, and the real value of the object. For example, pay periods, games-competitions, picking up many participants simply because this is free. But if one is sometimes challenging to original products whose price cannot be estimated by oneself, as unique, then it is difficult to see it clearly and make an informed purchase decision. In this article, we will see what is behind the public price of a product you buy online.
Le bambou en Chine, une histoire riche de sens

Bamboo in China, a rich history of meaning

There are hundreds of bamboo species that grow mainly in South and East Asia. In the same way as wood, stone, sand, clay and materials of animal origin, bamboo is one of the first materials worked by the first men. The development of civilization is closely linked to the development of know-how in the use of these materials. Like wood work, bamboo work has contributed to an incredible diversity of uses in many areas.
Comment l’abondance de choix nuit à notre vie

How the abundance of choice harms our life

It's 2021 and we have options for every facet of our lives. We have more choices than ever before in the history of mankind. From television tending towards an “on-demand” model, to the food we eat, to the friends we make, to the partners we choose, we have more access to options than people could have imagined even twenty years ago. We can connect directly and easily with almost anyone in the world.
Pourquoi et comment adopter le minimalisme numérique

Why and how to adopt digital minimalism

According to a 2014 Pew Research Center study, 42% of couples reported being distracted by their phones, 18% reported arguing about time spent online, and 8% reported problems with how their partner spends their time on the internet.
TOP 6 des moyens pour développer votre créativité

Six ways to cultivate creativity

It feels hardoriginalAt this time, we are limited and spend a lot of time in the same place. Although there are many well-known studies on long-term practices to improve creativity, you may want to learn more about little-known solutions that you can execute directly from the desktop.
Minimalisme : Les meilleurs conseils pour votre design intérieur

Minimalism: The best tips for your interior design

Minimalist interior design has its roots in the fashionable function movement that began in the early half of the 1900s and gained mass appeal in the middle of the century. As the Austro-Czech architect Adolf Loos said: "The development of culture is concomitant with the the removal of ornaments from objects of everyday use. »
L’écologie imparfaite : rester réaliste et faire de son mieux

The imperfect ecology: remain realistic and do its best

When you are a brand that takes care of its environmental impact, you expose yourself to a difference of communities and advice on ecology: zero waste, vegetarians, veins, homemade pro-cosmetics, ethical fashionistas, minimalists, etc. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile and satisfy everyone. Once someone or something tries to take care of their ecological footprint, they come up against even greater expectations than they would otherwise have been. " Ok you are a French company, but you make anyway elsewhere ... We should stop everything, boycott everything, make it yourself, optimise everything ...