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When you are a brand that takes care of its environmental impact, you expose yourself to a difference of communities and advice on ecology: zero waste, vegetarians, veins, homemade pro-cosmetics, ethical fashionistas, minimalists, etc. It is often difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile and satisfy everyone.

Once someone or something tries to take care of their ecological footprint, they come up against even greater expectations than they would otherwise have been. " Ok you are a French company, but you make anyway elsewhere ...

We should stop everything, boycott everything, make it yourself, optimise everything ...

Perfection does not exist

This is not made in France, it produces waste, the packaging could be in kraft, you also sell on Amazon, etc. ..

How dare we include ecology in our route? We who work with the great devil Amazon and make our products abroad?

Yes, we are not perfect.

Yes, we can still improve.

Yes, we are going to improve.

Yes, all packaging will be in kraft, in the long term.

The world we live in is itself a compromise. Rather than trying to do perfectly, we seek to do our best, with the utmost sincerity.

Of course we need people who advocate responsible companies, zero waste, green energy ...

But we also need to stop preaching and, above all, without compromise, an immediate change to a radical, a whole or nothing. We hope for a change, while recognizing that this will require time and effort. Efforts, initiatives, even when we find them imperfect, must be emphasized.

KIBODO was founded in February 2019 (with the name Bamboo Electronics), with a first prototype arrived by plane, and no special packaging solution ... Soon 2 years later, hundreds of people were able to buy our products, which were transported by train, often packed in plastic packaging.

If we had expected to be perfect, we would never have started.

And we are still a long way from coming, perhaps one day our products will be grown and manufactured in France. Who knows? The challenge is enormous! But if one day it is realized, it will be thanks to each support, every order, of the people who trusted us when we were still very imperfect ... And who, with their support of an imperfect company today, will be able to create a cleaner tomorrow.

So if the desire tells you to offer, or to offer you to yourself ... A bamboo keyboard, with its natural appearance, and its imperfections(which makes it charming). You may not buy the perfectly eco-friendly made in France today, but tomorrow's.

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