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Few people think about Clean their computer equipment. When cleaning our office or our interior, we often forget Clean our keyboard and computer mouse, judging that they are not "dirty". Yet these are tools we use, for most of us, much of the day. They then retain bacteria, dust, dirt and are finally much dirty than they appear ...

Maintain office accessories It is therefore essential for reasons of hygiene but also to ensure the durability of our devices. Discover the steps to be respected for Clean your keyboard and computer mouse without altering their electronic components.

1. How to clean your computer keypad?

Our computer keyboards are real dust and microbes nests. Designed with many interstices, dirt and impurities are dubbed in our keyboards and can create long-term malfunctions: keys that do not work anymore, etc. Usually Clean your computer keystroke regularly Then allows preventing dust and dirt and lengthen the life of it.

Several American studies have also demonstrated that our computer keyboards are dirtier than our toilets ... you will understand it, so it's time to clean up your keyboards!

First, before starting your mission cleaning, consider unplugging your keyboard or, if it is wireless, remove the batteries.

The first step is to remove excess dust accumulated under the keys on your keyboard. For this, nothing simpler, return your keyboard and gently type the keyboard back to drop the dirt. For recalcitrant dust, finish using a bristle brush that you will pass between keypad keys.

Then the second step is that of the cleaning in order to remove the bacteria. For this, bring yourself a damp microfiber cloth soaked with hot water and a natural disinfectant product (marseille soap or white vinegar for example). Be careful to drain the cloth in order to prevent liquid from infiltrating the keypad, which might cause malfunctions to the electronic components of your device. Clean your keyboard Taking care to pass between each touch of it, as well as on the back.

Finally, once this step is complete, you only have to dry your keyboard with a dry microfiber cloth.

If you use your computer keyboard in a daily basis, it is advisable to take the habit of cleaning it every week. This will prevent the proliferation of bacteria, and your health will only be better!

2. How to clean his computer mouse?

Our hands constantly asked on it for several hours a day, our mouse quickly becomes dirty since it holds the perspiration of our hands and millions of bacteria.

As with your computer keyboard, consider unplugging your mouse before cleaning or removing if the batteries if you have a wireless mouse.

Then get rid of dust with a dry microfiber cloth, then clean the front panel, the rear panel and the mouse wheel with a wet microfiber cloth soaked with hot water and soap from soap. Marseille or white vinegar. To remove the dirt encrusted in the low accessible areas, use a tooth cure and finish with a cotton rod soaked in soap from Marseille or white vinegar. Be careful not to pay liquids on your mouse at the risk of damaging it. That's why it's important to drain your cloth before cleaning and drying the mouse at the end.

Just like your keyboard, Clean your mouseevery week, or even everyday if possible.


Take care of its office accessories and computer equipment is essential to ensure their durability but also for reasons of hygienes. We often neglect the cleaning and maintenance of these equipments too often, and yet they are real microbial reserves. Ultimately, Clean our work tools regularly helps preserve our health by limiting the spread of bacteria and viruses (flu, Covid-19 ...), but also improve our productivity at work : A clean and healthy work environment is more conducive to concentration and well-being.

At the house ofKibodo, our Keyboards and mice of computers are made entirely in bamboo wood true. Why this material? Because it's a ecological material, solid, but also anti-bacterial and antiperspirant. Thus, by focusing on Bamboo keyboards and bamboo mouseThis makes it possible to considerably limit bacteria and dirt. An occasional cleaning is still needed to enjoy a perfectly healthy tool on a daily basis, but it is not necessary to perform quasi-daily cleaning as for Keyboards and mice of classic computers.

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